On May 23, the Akali Tange Association staged a large and peaceful protest of the company’s lack of action on compensating victims of human rights abuses at the Porgera mine site, as well as a lack of response to their own commissioned BSR report and recommendations.
Barrick’s private security personnel and Barrick hired PNG Police Mobil Squads all came in numbers to protect their properties and employees as the ATA and allies turned out in hundreds marching with Banners. We shouted, “Barrick when will you Compensate Us, Give us the Exact Date and Barrick are you going to adhere to your very owned commissioned BSR Report’s Finding and Recommendation and if so When” and headed to the PJV Mine Site.
Everyone including the bystanders, security personnel and PJV employees stood and watched as we marched fearlessly to the OGM office.
Upon arrival at the gate, only ATA Executives were requested to enter and the PJV OGM and the Community Affairs Officers approached us and requested to know why we were protesting.
On behalf of the Executives and the Members of ATA, I stood firmly with confidence and explained the purpose of our protest stating that the protest is a result of the Barrick and BNL’s negligence to respond to our Petition dated 28th April, 2019, which we have submitted to these companies.
After having said this, I further requested the PJV OGM Superintendent to know whether or not the Barrick Management has notified them to give us any respond as we have informed them that we will protest to demand for response to our Petition.
In respond, the OGM Superintendent said that they were never informed of such petition and what to respond to our Petition. These officers also said that they will note down our purpose of the Protest and will advise the Management to respond within this week or early next week.
The ATA has promised more protests if there is still no response within the promised time frame.